The last two weeks have gone by so fast! I spent the time interning at the hospital in Archidona, exploring Tena with Lisa on Easter weekend, traveling back to Quito for 4 days and taking a day trip with Joe to visit Vanessa's farming internship and host family! Here are some photos for all of these amazing experiences!
My host family's Fanesca! It's a 12-grain soup with fish, traditionally prepared for Holy Week and Easter. Lisa and I got to try it on the Friday before Easter.
Farm Trip #1: Tena host family's farm about 15 minutes drive from our house
Mini bananas (aka Horitos)
Papaya tree
Host brother Anthony chewing on some recently cut and peeled sugar cane
Later that night Lisa and I went to a $1 Zumba class in Tena. She agreed that it was one of my best finds ever!
On Saturday we ventured to the town of Misahuallí and Cascadas de Latas. The monkeys at the beach are crazy! This has learned how to eat fruit salad out of a plastic cup!
Getting a ride back to Tena in a truck...the best form of transportation in the climate of the Amazon!
Sunday we checked out the Amazonian park and zoo on an island in Tena. Our new Quito friends Maddy and Roberto took this picture!
The Ecuadorian National Dance Company at a free performance to celebrate International Dance Day, April 29. I got to see this while I was back in Quito for a few days to check in with my school midway through the quarter.
Farm Trip #2: Granja Sumak Kawsay (Good Life Farm) where Vanessa does her CIMAS internship!
Beautiful rainbow chard from seeds sent from a former CIMAS intern
Amazing Amazonian-style lunch (even though we were in the Sierra!)
Tilapia cooked in leaves over a fire, with yucca, plantains and tree tomato juice
Vanessa, Joe and me with Vanessa's host parents, who run the farm
Vanessa's host family gave us so much food to take with us, including my new favorite fruit..."uvillas" fresh from the farm!